Please be sure you have read the guidelines page carefully. By submitting an application to participate in Performática you are agreeing to the conditions set forth in them. Registration for participation in Performática this year consists of three stages: The first stage is this one which ends on October 29, 2011 at 12:00 midnight. It is for artists who wish to submit proposals for workshops, laboratories, creation intensives, or performances. In the second stage, during the month of November 2011, selected artists will meet in an online forum to discuss and develop the nature of laboratories together. The third stage will happen during February and March of 2012 for students interested in applying to participate in the programmed activities. |
Basic Information |
Name: * |
City: * |
Country: * |
Email: * |
Artist Bio: |
This bio will be translated into English or Spanish once and only once, so include it here in the manner you would like to see yourself represented. See the 2009 Bios page for some examples if you are unsure. |
Laboratory |
Title/Theme: |
Description: |
Ideal location: |
Goals: |
Preferred format: |
Explain the format you imagine, for example: research, dialog, impro, performance devise, collaborative, etc. |
Performances |
Work Title: |
Number of Performers: |
Length of Work: |
Minutes: |
Short Description: |
This description will be used in our publicity and catalog. Work may be new or made previously. |
Workshops |
Workshop Title: |
Brief Description: |
Limitations on Participants: |
Generally we program a limit of 35 students per class. If you have other limitations such as experience level of participants or number of students - this is where to tell us. |
Time Desired: |
Workshops are 1 hour 40 minutes. If you need more time let us know and we will see what we can do. Please be advised, though, that longer workshops tend to have smaller attendance.
Generally speaking workshops that require multiple days of attendance have not fared as well. Optimal attendance is achieved if you can plan your classes as non-sequential classes. |
Creation Intensives |
Title/Theme: |
Description: |
Preferred Performance Setting: |
Desired Number and Type of Participants: |
Goals: |
Methodology: |
In addition to your proposal please address the following questions: |
Why would you like to participate in an event of this nature at this time? |
What do you feel you would bring to the encounter? |
What would you hope to take away from it? |
Additional Commentaries |
Please let us know if there is anything else you want us to know: |
* I have read and understood the Guidelines for Presenting Artists.
Proof that you are human |
How much is twenty * plus twenty-two? |
(Type a number, example, 15) |